Transmitter and Receiver Set 433MHz 5V" is a radio frequency transmitter and receiver set that works at a frequency of 433 MHz. It is commonly used in wireless transmission systems such as remote controls, alarms, sensors, etc.
The set includes one transmitter and one receiver. A transmitter can receive signals from a microcontroller or other device and transmit them via radio waves to a receiver. The receiver can receive the signals and decode them again so that they can be used to control the desired application.
Both devices run on a 5V supply and usually have antennas to increase signal range. Overall, it's an affordable and easy way to add wireless transmission functionality to your electronic projects.
1) Model:MX-05V
2) Voltage:DC5V
3) Current:4MA
4) Frequency:433.92MHZ
5) Sensitivity: 105DB
6) Antenna:32CM single core wire,heliciform shaped
7) Size:30*14*7mm