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SKU: ASWO-M281785
  • Price today: 36.46 €
Tallinn, Peterburi tee 90F
1 pcs
Peterburi tee Oomipood
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Tartu, Lääneringtee 39
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Pärnu, Papiniidu 8
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This product is a dual-supply fan heatsink designed for use with the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 graphics card. The heatsink helps cool the card, allowing it to run at higher power without overheating. The dual-fan design provides sufficient airflow to cool the card, ensuring optimal performance. Specifically, the heatsink and fans mount over the graphics card and conduct heat from the card's hot components (eg CPU, memory) through the heatsink, where it is dissipated by airflow. This reduces the temperature of the card and allows you to play intensive games for a longer period of time without a drop in performance.

Typeventilaatoriga küttekeha